This web site uses cookies to enable user authentication, online purchases and also to track user actions on the app. Analytics information collected is not connected to any personal data like name, IP address or similar. All user action data for analytics is used for statistical analysis only.
Information is never sold to any 3rd parties. Some data is used by 3rd parties to enable site functionalities. These 3rd parties are
- Amazon AWS is the platform where this service is run. It stores data to browser for easy and secure logins.
- Stripe is an online payment service. Payment cards and purchases are handled by Stripe service.
- Google Analytics collects statistics about user visits and used functionalities.
- Facebook Pixel is used to collects user visits and retargeting.
- Microsoft Clarity is used to analyse user behaviour and receive feedback.
- Sentry is a monitoring platform that helps to diagnose and fix problems in the service.
- Coralogix is a logging platform that logs information about the essential activities and error situations within service. Logs are used mainly for helping error analysis and fixing.